Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Free Essay How to Face Students’ Problem

Name:                         Andrayani
Registered Number:     A 121 10 016
Class:                           A’10
Subject:                       Writing IV

                                          How to Face Students’ Problem
The Outline:
1.      Introduction;
2.      The body:   
a.      How to face crowded class;
b.      How to face a lazy student;
c.       How to face the student who does not do homework;
d.      How to face the student who come late;
e.      How to face a naughty student;
3.      Conclusion.

All people like to have a job. Because by working they can earn money for their leaves. Now days, there are many job that need skills not only one skill but all skill as well such as writing, speaking by using one of the international language for instance English. So, it is not difficult for you to get a job if you have many skills. Also, in having many skills can make us easy and more creative to do our duty. One of the jobs which needs almost all skills is teacher. Being educator, of course we should be a creative one in order to make the students more interesting to study. The teacher must have a lot of learning-plans that she/ he thinks it will not make them bored to join the class. Then, the way to face each student must be different because everyone is different. Again, the teacher needs some various approaches to attract their attention in studying. That is why, many people say that it is very difficult to be a teacher because there are many problems that she/ he is going to confront. Besides, it is a noble duty. Every problem has solution so a good teacher should solve the problem one by one by using an appropriate way. There are some common matters which appear in the process of teaching- learning. Now, let us discuss them one by one and try to deal with them.
Firstly, it is about how to cope the crowded class. Generally, in Indonesia especially a class room contains more than twenty even fifty students in it. So, of course the class become crowded. Each student is talking either about experience or anything  that they think it is a good thing to share, no one quite. Almost all teachers must be ever feel the condition like that. If like that, what does the teacher can do? Ask them to be quite but it is not easy to do. So, at the first time the lesson begin the teacher should make a rule like agreement that if there is anyone speaking when he/ she give explanation as the result the student who are break the rule should repeat what does the teacher talking about then when the students could not do it, the teacher does not need to punish, but ask them to give full attention. Also, ask a question at the end of the class.
Second, the students must be having distinction in studying. The wish to study depends on the environment. If the student lives in a good environment, it is impossible if she/ he has less desire in studying. But, in solving the matter like this the teacher should give more attention to the students who have problem to study. First, the teacher must observe what the matter is. Then, ask the student or his/ her parents directly. After that, make a conclusion with certain plans that the teacher is going to apply and ask the parents to cooperate in helping their children. Because a good teacher not only close to the student but also their parents.
Third, the common thing which the teacher always do is giving homework. There are many purposes of the homework, two of them are to make sure about the students’ comprehension based on the teacher’s explanation and to give them additional duty at home so they are still study at home. Sometime, the students have a long time or chance in doing it, but in fact there are still some among all students did not do their homework. Here, the teacher should give explanation that emphasizes how important homework for them and tell them the one who did not do homework is not a responsible one. Furthermore, ask them to make some group of study that can help them to share and solve the difficulties together.
The next matter is about time. Generally, In Indonesia come late has become culture. So, some western said that it is because Indonesia is one of the countries that produces rubber, in another words Indonesian is a rubber time. Actually, we aware that it is a bad habit that should be lost. Being on time even in time must be apply as soon as well, means that from child. So, the teachers in elementary school should ask their students to come on time even in time to school then explain that about the important of being on/ in time because time is money and very useful for our leaves.
The last problem is about attitude. It is also a common thing in teacher’s world, facing naughty students. A naughty students can de found not only in elementary school but also in senior sigh school even student in university. Commonly, the students who are naughty are men. There are  many factors which can make them like that either internal or external. If internal, they might have a problem in their family so can influence to their demeanor. Then, in external might be caused by their environment. As the writer mention early, the teacher should know the students’ parents and environment. Because it can help the teacher to find out a good solution in minimizing even loss their naughty.
Every job has burden for the one who has responsibility for it. For instance being a teacher. In doing their duty, they have to face many problems and need extra effort to cope them. But, one thing which must be kept in mind that a good teacher never leave his /her students. Finally, love your job as you love your family because it can guide you to do your duty.

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