Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Format Laporan Lengkap (Individu)

1.        Halaman Sampul
2.        Daftar Isi
Bab I      Pendahuluan
                1.1    Latar Belakang
                1.2    Tujuan
                1.3    Rumusan Masalah
Bab II     Tinjauan Pustaka
Bab III   Metode
                3.1    Waktu dan Tempat Pelaksanaan Kegiatan
                3.2    Alat dan Bahan
Bab IV   Hasil dan Pembahasan
                4.1    Hasil Pengamatan
                4.2    Pembahasan
Bab V    Penutup
                5.1    Kesimpulan
                5.2    Saran
3.        Daftar Pustaka
4.        Lampiran

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011


Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia dalam Masyarakat

A 121 10 024

Pemakaian bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar dalam masyarakat dari tahun ke tahun mengalami degradasi. Degradasi penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dapat dilihat dari rendahnya siswa dan guru dalam melakukan interaksi proses pembelajaran di kelas, rendahnya hasil ujian nasional (UN) bahasa Indonesia bagi siswa dan uji kemahiran bahasa Indonesia (UKBI) bagi guru, karena adanya era globalisasi, dan juga penggunaan bahasa prokem.

Mengutip informasi data terkini yang disampaikan oleh Rektor Universitas Muhammadyah Prof Dr Hamka (Uhamka), Suyatno, dalam orasi berjudul Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Sarana Pengembangan Guru Profesional, bahwa hasil ujian nasional SMP negeri dan swasta tahun 2008/2009 secara nasional, dari 3.441.815 orang peserta UN, peserta yang rentang nilainya 7,00 sampai 7,99 hanya 32,86 persen atau 1.131.121 peserta. Yang memperoleh nilai 10 hanya 0,02 persen (834 orang).
Sedangkan di tingkat SMA/MA hasil UN tahun 2008/2009, yang rentang nilainya 7,00 sampai 7,99 adalah 40,6 persen atau 252.460 (jurusan IPA), 28,2 persen atau 240.815 (jurusan IPS), dan 30,7 persen atau 13.445 (jurusan bahasa). Yang meraih nilai 10 di jurusan IPA dan IPS tidak ada, sedangkan di jurusan bahasa ada 6 orang dari 43.688 peserta ujian. Untuk nilai bahasa Indonesia 0,01 sampai 5,99 cukup signifikan besarnya, yaitu 17,26 persen untuk jurusan IPA, 32,53 persen IPS dan 23,2 persen untuk jurusan bahasa. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa pemakaian bahasa Indonesia dalam masyarakat telah menurun.
Tidak hanya kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia anak didik yang rendah. Kemampuan bahasa Indonesia para guru juga rendah. Dari uji kemahiran bahasa Indonesia oleh Pusat Bahasa Depdiknas tahun 2008, dari 100 sampel hasil tes UKBI guru, hanya 9 orang dalam peringkat unggul, 49 madya, 41 semenjana, dan 1 marginal. Tidak ada predikat istimewa (816-900) dan sangat unggul (717-815).

Selain itu, adanya era globalisasi juga membuat orang lupa akan bahasanya sendiri. Masyarakat bahkan para Petinggi Negara karena adanya era global menjadi lebih bangga dengan penggunaan bahasa asing. Dulunya bahasa yang mereka gunakan masih dalam penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Sehubungan dengan adanya era globalisasi, bahasanya menjadi luntur karena bahasa asing yang datang ke Indonesia.

Bahasa prokem (bahasa gaul) yang biasa digunakan oleh kalangan remaja tertentu juga dapat mengurangi penggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Menurut Kepala Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jatim Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Depdiknas) RI, Amir Mahmud, di Surabaya, pada hari Rabu, bahwa perkembangan bahasa prokem sebagai bahasa pergaulan itu sangat pesat. Hal ini dikhawatirkan akan memberikan pengaruh buruk terhadap bahasa Indonesia.

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional tengah menyusun Rancangan Undang-Undang Kebahasaan. Rancangan itu berfungsi untuk melindungi Undang-Undang penggunaan bahasa Indonesia, terutama dalam situasi formal.

Oleh karena itu, pemakaian bahasa Indonesia sangat perlu dilaksanakan di lingkungan formal. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang sesuai dengan EYD agar anak didik terbiasa. Para tenaga pendidik di sekolah juga harus lebih mengintensifkan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


By Wardina A. Laadi
A 121 10 024

There are a lot of cultural differences among Indonesian and American. I will explain these matter in introductions, family values and educational attitudes.

A.      Introductions
*      The Americans use eye contact and handshaking in their introduction with all people. They assume that eye contact is the polite side if talking to someone. Besides that when shaking hands, they shake firmly and briefly. They do not like making the prolonged handshaking.
Different from Indonesians, in introductions, they have some styles of handshaking and eye contact. It depends of the age and the gendre. If someone meet another one who same gendre and age, make handshaking and eyecontact is common and polite. Different way if a man wants to know a girl, he has to carefull, because there is a girl who doesn’t do handshaking. It based on the religion. Eye contact doesn’t need if they are talking to elder people whom they have to kiss the elders’ hands. It is impolite in Indonesia.

*      Talking about using of titles in introductions. In America using the title in the name is based on the status or age. The people of lower status and age have to call Mr, Prof, Dr, or Mdm with the second, last or the family name. In out of the office or classroom, they prefer to call their professor with the nick name or the first name. It is commonly in informal situations.
It is very different from Indonesia. Either formal or informal situations the students must call their teacher with the title. It is so impolite if they call their teacher’s name without title Mr or Mdm.

*      Small talk in Americans’ intoductions are about the general informations. It is like asking “What do you do?”, “Are you a student in here?”, and exactra. It is impolite and not customary if asking about personal identity, such as “Are you single?” or “Have you have a boyfriend?”.
The Indonesians do the opposite of those. They always give personal questions after introduction. The questions contain asking about statue, address, until number of mobile phone. It is very common.

*      In aditional, the Americans always greet each other (although they do not know each other) at a glance even make us feel have a fellow human being. Say hello, chat briefly about the weather or the child is still the custom in the middle of the more individualistic American society. The Indonesians never done something like that because of another reasons. The first is because they do not now each other. The second is because of arroganisme attitude. The last is because just that the Indonesian’s culture.

B.      Family Values

*      When the Americans is still child, they are taught to independent either in their life themselves or in money. They have accustumed to earn money in their young age. The American children work to be babysitter in another’s home in adult age. The babies also learn about independent life. They are accustumed to stand up and take something by themselves.
Indonesian’s babies always get special act from their parents. The parents always give the things that their children want. In additional, when the wife still in pregnancy, the husband have to do also his wife asking. When the babies in child until adult, they still in responsibility of their parents. There is no earn money by themselves.if they want to buy something, just asking to their parents.

*      In many families in America, the children (18 until 21 years) is given freedom to make decision by themselves. Usually they leave their home to life independently.
Indonesia children in 18 until 21 years still depend on their parents. All goal of life is based on parents’ decision. Sometimes there are some children who cannot agree with they parents. It makes conflict, because the parents command to follow their decission without hear what their children want.

C.      Educational Attitudes

*      The students in America almost dominate all of time in the class. The teacher or professor just being a fasilitator who control the discussion. Another tutors make an isue and the students respon it with different idea. Usually, before entering the class, the students prepare their materials first. In preparing, they make a group discussion, look for the books which is to be the topic, and make a lot of argument and questions by themselves.
Indonesia students always be a passive. They just listening and taking notes while the teacher explain about the material. It is almost hapenned in all of part Indonesia.

*      The teachers in America are very fair. Although they have relationship with the students, it doesn’t mean that the students will have special behaviour. If there is a task, all of the students have to submit it on time.
Different way in Indonesia. The students who have family relationship with their teachers, sometimes get special attitude. The teachers prefer to give more attention to them. There is no punishment if that students do a mistake.

*      The Americans students is addressed to be a grad whose intellectual cannot be changed by machine. While in Indonesia the people still do daily work, both by hand and production machines, because the education make them to be the consumers.

*      Cheating on the test, plagiarizing in written work, and presenting others’ idea as original are all prohibited in America. They are taught to be honest in each aspects. They have to make an argument or article by their own word. They have been usual to be creative people.
As we know, indonesia is the second plagiator in the world. The Indonesian copy-paste anothers’ pruduct either in national examination, making poster, film, shirt, or in making homework. It is so embrassed. Young generation have made cheating attitudes as a habit. Furthermore, when they become an elder people, they cannot make a new program with their own inovation.

*      The students will be cooperative and competitive in America class. They will compete to be the best grade with possitive way, such as to be active in class. If one of their friend be the best, they will give congratulation to him/her. Then they are going to study hard to get the best one next semester.
In Indonesia class, the students seldom act like that. If their friends get the best score, they will not give congratulation. Sometimes there is congratulation, but there is no from in the deep heart.

Those are the example of different culture between Indonesian and American.